2新年前夜,死亡幽灵般的凶手,利用跨年烟花的掩护,在市中心的一栋大楼,大规模远程射击枪其他高层楼上狂欢的人群,紧接着射出子弹的大楼房间发生爆炸。此神秘案件遇难者人数众多,留下的线索极少。 当地年轻女警艾丽诺的敏锐判断吸引 了负责调查此案的联邦调查局长官兰马克的注意,二人携手接近那冷酷的、危险的、梦想之城
1A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a be- A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a
- Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwe
- NBC宣布提前续订《芝加哥警署》第四季。
- NBC续订了芝加哥背景的三部剧《凤城火情》(续订第7季)、《芝加哥警署》(续订第6季)、《芝加哥医院》(续订第4季)。
- 《芝加哥警察局》演绎情报科打击贩毒和侦破案件之余,将主要成员在警局内外所面临的种种向我们娓娓道来,在新一季中继续深入展现这些蓝衣卫士的一线生活。 上一季中安东尼奥药物成瘾酿成大祸,局长凯尔顿不择手段当选市长却命丧枪口。擅自顶包的鲁泽克将会何去何从?黑白通吃的沃伊能否继续掌控局面?满腹疑团的霍尔