1Jess Harris, a 29 year old web designer for a nonprofit in Brooklyn, is ecstatic to be the surrogate and egg-donor for her best friend Josh and his hu- After a series of disturbing supernatural events in his home, Joel, a young single father, comes to suspect that his young son may be possessed.
- 一个对未来充满憧憬的年轻人惊恐的发现自己出现了大面积脱发的问题,如同晴天霹雳一般,他的事业和感情生活都危在旦夕,他也无所不用其极去想办法找回自己的发量。
- An outlaw kills a marshal and steals his identity; a Pinkerton pursues him across the open country.
- Brilliant playwright, Lisa, no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of he
- 事业有成的史蒂夫放弃了自己纽约律师的工作,回到了家乡买下了父亲的酒吧做起了酒保。酒吧里有盛气凌人却可爱的韩国妈妈、整日醉酒的好色婆婆、语出惊人的白胡子老伯、无所事事的欧文及其狐朋狗友......笑料不断。史蒂夫能应对人生新的挑战吗?
2Petchtae的妈妈Paannee是 Thanin(年轻时期)的爱人,两人相爱,但是遭到Thanin的爸爸 的反对。在Thanin的爸爸的威胁下, Paannee被迫离开,自此至终都没 告诉Thanin她已经怀了Petchtae 。Thanin尽全力寻找她,但是毫无结 果 。不久之后Thanin被