1TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the proc- ¿How far does a soccer fan go for his beloved national team? Mariano Cárdenas (Adrian Uribe), a married man and a civil servant, shows us that cross
1周一晚上,一部尖锐批评以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)的纪录片在多伦多一所爆满的房子前首映,这是TIFF历史上最具爆炸性的纪录片之一,尽管内塔尼亚胡做了最后的努力加以阻止。 由亚历克斯·吉布尼(Alex Gibney)制作、亚历克西斯·布鲁姆(Alexis Bloo紧急出口
1The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumanare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (a- A mysterious figure haunts Dodit and his family’s home.
- A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems s