6A girl who falls in love with a girl she sees in her dreams. She then meets her in real life.- 泰剧《名门绅士2:淑女之心》是泰国三台庆祝电视台成立52周年的项目。讲述名门绅士五部曲五大少的后代们的爱情故事(大少2个孩子,二少1个孩子,三少2个孩子,四少2个孩子,五少4个孩子)。续作依然是由五部曲组成,分别由五家公司进行制作。每部预计12-15集,每集约80分钟。 Kwantuetai
61Change2561继《霹雳情人》后开拍第二部BL新剧年轻男模PlaWan对炒罗勒有着不可抗拒的热情,他收到一份价值七位数的重要合同,需要在著名影响力主廚Ob旗下的一家豪华餐厅卧底实习。这家豪华餐厅除了以其精湛的烹饪技艺而闻名,它也以整洁和精致而闻名,以至于让许多专业厨师还心存敬畏,像他这样的业余厨- Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but rivalry rises between them when they fall in love with the same girl. Kongpope和Di
- A romantic comedy movie about two senior high school boys, who, through the help of a fortune teller, find each other at an optional school retreat