- In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafare
- In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafare
- 克里斯托弗·王(Jimmy Tsai 饰),绰号“C-Dub”,是一个典型的ABC。他自幼生长在美国旧金山,虽然出生在一个东方文化氛围极浓的华人家庭,但是他的内心已经完全西化。克里斯托弗无心学业,更加无心工作,终日和三五好友闲混胡闹,插科打诨,梦想着有朝一日成为举世瞩目的NBA明星,虽然他的球技实在
- 躲避城市的喧嚣,生态学家艾瑞克与女友安妮来到北冰洋进行生态研究,意外充当押解犯人的警察,却变成绝望的生存大战……押解犯人的飞机突发故障,坠落在茫茫无垠的雪原上--零下50多度的黑暗环境中,龙卷风、地震在肆虐,直升机也无法再飞,食品却在一天天减少,兵、匪还在激烈的对决中……几千年来荒芜人烟的极地内陆将
- 自20世纪70年代开始,美国政府实施了名为SETI的计划,30年来不间断的用射电望远镜扫描宇宙空间,旨在寻找外星生物和相关文明。在犹他州的德威市,有一所隶属政府的实验室,这里正在进行一项秘密试验。在此之前,人类曾受到外星文明发回的信息,其中包括外星生物的DNA组成和生命重组的方法。犹他州实验室的科学
- Six classic British books are considered with a fresh eye. Returning to the authors' original manuscripts and letters, expert writers and performe
181臭名昭著,很显然永远不会老的伊莎又重出江湖了。1953年的西伯利亚,伊莎监管着简陋的古拉格集中营,改造异己。斯大林死后,集中营关闭,伊莎逃往到蒙特利尔,开了家妓院。但是以前的囚犯Yakurin幸存,并在1977年与她偶遇……- Elise, a very promising classical dancer, is injured during a performance at 26 years old. Although she's told she will no longer be able to dance
- A former figure skater and a former hockey player work together to void the mayor from closing the local skating rink.