18A group of male and female prostitutes make preparations for a big event happening at a shady club where audiences will come to watch them perform sex法官的妻子
193Paz and Miguel have a seemingly happy marriage. But after moving to Logroño, where Miguel has been transferred as a judge, their life as a couple fall颅骨印记
1在這個反烏托邦世界中,一種經由語言溝通散播的傳染病到處肆虐,而唯一對此疾病免疫的語言學家,正遭到暴虐無道的組織追捕。- 在這個反烏托邦世界中,一種經由語言溝通散播的傳染病到處肆虐,而唯一對此疾病免疫的語言學家,正遭到暴虐無道的組織追捕。
- 拉敏为逃脱祖国对同性恋者的迫害,躲在一艘土耳其货船上离开伊朗。但他并未想到,自己竟会远离自己熟悉的一切,意外来到墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯市,在这座热带港城过起流亡生活。他尝试适应更自由的新生活,结识新的人;他的欲望也被唤醒,同他的过去和未来碰撞交织。
- The story of erotic film producer and director, Ersan Kuneri, in the 70s and 80s.
- In order to prevent a deadly explosion, an illicit crack team has 24 hours to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a desert laden with dang