- 这次,大批乘客离开地球,乘坐第一艘民用太空梭直飞月球,然而机上有个炸弹怪客,太空梭就快要被炸开了,加上引擎又故障,但是最糟的却是飞机上发现他们没有咖啡可喝。
1Freelance female war reporter Alex Quade covers U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) on highly classified combat missions. Since 2001, she has embedde- 本片是《宇宙的巨人希曼》的“兄妹篇”,也是该片大获成功后的趁热打铁之作,由美国飞美逊公司(Filmation Associates)于1985年推出。希瑞的造型源自1941年问世的漫画《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)。 每集中,少不了的开场白如下:“我叫阿多拉,霍曼的亲妹妹。我是水晶城
- Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in t
- Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in t
- When Catra steals the Crystal Crown, Bow and Glimmer decide to get it back, certain that She-Ra will save them if they get into trouble. Adora follows
- 1990年的9月24日,两位驾着F16战机的美国空军在伊拉克上空禁区做着例行飞行检查。出乎意料的,在北大西洋公约空域中出现了一架伊拉克喷射客机,李班宁机长(罗伯派屈克饰演)察觉这件意外后,准备赶这架偏离航道的飞机回正轨。约翰达克机长(鲁格豪尔饰演)则飞近这架客机想一探究竟,并向客机发出请求离去讯号。