- Zoé and Volta set off from their isolated home village to attend university in Pristina. In the midst of social and political unrest, the two women di
4The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his ga- 影片讲述了女主人公娜娜(安娜·卡里娜 Anna Karina饰)如何从一名普通售货员走上卖淫道路的悲情一生。娜娜厌倦了售货员的生活,想要成为一名演员,可命运却让她陷入了出卖肉体的色情深渊。她越是深入生命的深刻意义,越是怀疑生活的本来面目。命运辗转,就在她终于遇见她的爱人 时,命运又再一次跟她开了
- Marcos Tremmer is a successful advertising executive living in Madrid, deeply in love with his wife, Luci?a. One day, Marcos discovers that a deadly i
11被杰森杀害了双亲的汤米(汤姆·马修斯 Thom Mathews 饰)在一个雨夜,与好友来到墓地,他们将杰森的坟墓打开,试图烧毁尸体泄愤,突然天降闪电击中杰森的尸体,在汤米惊异的眼光中,杀人狂杰森居然复活了!大惊失色的汤米向当地的加里斯探长(David Kagen 饰)求援,但后者认为杰森已成历史,汤- 在汤米·贾维斯(Tommy Jarvis)把杰森炼锁在水晶湖底多年之后,一位有特异功能的年青人又不小心把杰森放了出来,杰森于是又回到了水晶湖营地重操旧业。
- Ali Osman is a former bully of city of Istanbul. But lately he gives up bully and starts to operate a synthetic pitch. He often meets his old friend