- Wonderville's favorite problem-solving duo, Pinkfong and Hogi, assembles a group of friends to produce their first-ever live concert. The crew m
- 时值二战时期,一心希望参战却遭到母亲阻止的丹尼在叔叔的租房打工的时候认识一位木偶师,木偶师拥有让木偶自己动起来的神奇力量。而纳粹也看中了这种力量想夺为己用。好心的丹尼把木偶们带回在唐人街的自己家里修理,然而日本人和德国人已经混进去,纳粹大战木偶的故事就此展开......
1在布莱尼•凯茜•卡勒里(米歇尔•崔切伯格饰)心中,有一片比哈佛大学更神圣的地方,那就是镁光灯聚焦的闪闪发光的冰上舞台。凯茜天姿聪颖,被保送到哈佛大学,但入学之前她必须独立完成一个物理实验。一直以来都...- 《再吻我一次》豆瓣官方小站: 《再吻我一次》是导演加布里尔穆奇诺2001年卖座影片《最后一吻》的续集,影片捕捉了21世纪意大利中产阶级的集体忧愁,也为《最后一吻》的开放式结局做了一个了断。前作中,8位主人公都是30岁左右的青年,对生活对爱情充满着梦想与憧憬;续集里,10年后步入中年的他们,主人公
1Directed by Ian Thuillier this film is a portrait of the late lamented musician Rory Gallagher, it i...食物选择
1ThisdocumentaryfollowsfilmmakerMichalSiewierskiasheexplorestheimpactthatfoodchoicehasonpeople’shealth,thehealthofourplanetandonthelivesofotherspeciess- Martin is an Economy teacher, one day, he win the biggest prize given on TV: 3 million € in objects; that is to say, a new luxurious mansion, 5 cars,
- To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into modern day America. When Merlin comes back