- Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties,
6Lera is a sociology student at a small-town university. Her mother is a sleepwalker who believes in miracles, and her father just left the family for迎刃而姐
7At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inhe幕后
1一群因拍摄电视剧“The A-List”而一夜成名的新生代明星。当第二季的剧正准备播出,但他们除了要面对拍摄的问题之外,还要为自己的秘密而头疼。尽管他们并不想让别人知道自己的秘密,但这些秘密总会被泄露出去,至于为何会被泄露出去,有时是有因可循的,有时却是让人摸不着头脑的。