- The connected lives of two separate strangers, each facing their own struggles, viewed through the prism of UK grime and drill music, and giving a per
- 索朗日是一个典型的12岁女孩,好奇心强,充满活力,也许有些过于多愁善感,与父母感情亲昵。但当她的父母开始争吵,争吵,慢慢疏远,离婚的威胁逐渐迫近,索朗日的世界开始分裂。为了让她的家人在一起,忧心忡忡,付诸行动,然后承受随之而来的后果。这是一个关于一个年轻而过分温柔的少女的故事。她想要一件不可能的东西
1Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in落霞征雁
1Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency, accidentally intercept a delive- 杜夫·龙格尔饰演神出鬼没的正义使者,为了替家人报仇,于五年内单枪匹马干掉一百二十五名黑帮分子,导致法兰哥家族群龙无首。于是帮会邀请在当年下令杀害警察凯索一家而仓惶走避他乡的法兰哥再度出山重振黑帮声威,警方则派出警探伯克维兹追捕正义使者。他怀疑此人就是他以前的警察搭档凯索,在女警莎曼协助下发现惊人
2When Paul decides to give up his boring but steady office job as a banker, this does not go down well with his children. Their dad wants to pursue h舞魂
1Elise, a very promising classical dancer, is injured during a performance at 26 years old. Although she's told she will no longer be able to dance, sh- 泰姬陵,世界上最美丽的陵墓,竣工于1654年,印度莫卧儿王朝皇帝沙贾汗为纪念皇后所建,联合国世界遗产。科学家揭示宏伟陵墓的建筑秘密,以及背后隐藏的权力和背叛。