- Ferry Bouman tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fight
- A sneak into the post-independence Bombay and streets riddled with crime. An honest cop's journey as he tries to protect his family.
1Arawee(Yadtip饰演)被平日里的体贴丈夫Tharn(Fluke饰演)背叛,Tharn跟Arawee同父异母的姐姐Wichuda(Ying油姐饰演)搞婚外情。Wichuda是为了复仇而来的。他们在上床的时候,Arawee找上门来捉奸在床,而给Arawee通风报信的则是Suwipa——Araw- 英国统治印度的后期,舍希德·汗以传奇人物苏丹那王的名义,打劫英国的火车,被驱逐出瓦塞浦。舍希德·汗逃亡到丹巴德,为煤矿主瑞马德哈·辛格工作,却因此结下了家族世仇。十年后,舍希德·汗的花心儿子沙达尔·汗发誓要为父报仇,成为了瓦塞浦的一方霸主。沙达尔·汗一面在丹巴德与杀父仇人煤矿主瑞马德哈·辛格斗智斗勇
- We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happ
- “世界最糟的宝宝”老是哭个不停,害邻居生活过的惨兮兮。宝贝老板的外勤小组有办法扭转局面吗?
- Fromasatiretoapsychologicalthriller,fourshortstoriesfromcelebratedauteurandwriterSatyajitRayareadaptedforthescreeninthisseries.
- When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool phenomenon appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, Belka and Strelka, the first astronauts on their w