- Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London
- Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London
1A possessed young girl from an atheist family refuses to let her new powers go and becomes more than a threat to everyone besides her.一言不发
11956年用法语写成的《无字第二幕》是一部10分钟的哑剧,有两个演员“A”和“B”,他们都在舞台上的两个大袋子里。贝克特指定了“暴力”照明,并通过“激将法”促使球员采取行动来扩展这一概念。a是“缓慢、笨拙和缺席”,而B是“轻快、迅速、准确”。a慢慢地走出来,开始他平常的例行公事。...- 在一个暴风雨交加的日子,克莱尔(瑞妮·维尔纳 Renee Willner 饰)带着男友保罗(丹尼·艾尔德 Danny Alder 饰)驱车回到阔别19个月的家中。她的家位于一处偏僻所在,四周罕见人烟,静谧非常,然而安详之外似乎带着一丝不祥的气息。此时克莱尔的奶奶年事已高,去日无多。一个月前,她曾收到