13露皮塔·尼永奥、乔什·加德或将加盟僵尸题材恐怖喜剧[小怪兽](Little Monsters,暂译),与亚历山大·英格兰([异形:契约])上演对手戏。故事讲述一位不得志的音乐家,对侄子的幼儿园老师产生好感,自愿担任起陪护老师,护送他们参加儿童音乐节。而音乐节主办人也对老师展开爱情攻势,正当三人关系陷- In December 1776, Benjamin Franklin is world famous for his electrical experiments. But his passion and power are put to the test when he embarks on
- Nicky从他的匪帮老板那偷了钱,事关生死,他又向Micky求助。Mikey再次现身出手救他。克服了Nicky的偏执和恐惧带来的困难,Mikey带他离开了躲藏的旅馆,开始帮他计划出逃。但是,NICKY不停地修改计划,杀手又追踪而来。逃跑的时候,两个好友面对着被判、悔恨,友谊和本能自卫进行着较量…
3It follows Taylor Pherry, who is given a mission from God Himself: to tell his family's stories and inspire his community. What he doesn't know is tha- Get ready for more luxury real estate with a side of drama: Netflix’s “Selling the OC” has been renewed for a second and third season.