- 麦斯(马科·格林斯 Marco Girnth 饰)是一个老实本分的好男人,大学教授的工作亦替他平添了一份优雅和知性。麦斯和女友米利安(Julia Thurnau 饰)交往多年,一直深信这段感情充满了幸福和美好,谁知道某一天,麦斯发现米利安背叛了自己,她劈腿的对象,竟然是一个游手好闲的花花公子。 伤心
- FBI探员马刚(马丁?劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)聪明能干,屡破奇案,而他的破案法宝就是他那高超的伪装绝技,无论什么人,他都自信能扮得惟妙惟肖。新的案子摆在了马刚面前,乔治亚州一个银行抢劫犯身怀巨款逃亡了,马刚奉命前往缉拿,唯一的线索就是抢劫犯的女友雪梨(尼娅?朗 Nia Long
- Affected tells the story of a small business owner that lost over 90% of his revenue after Covid-19 hit America. With frustration, he decided to embar
- 本片是《宇宙的巨人希曼》的“兄妹篇”,也是该片大获成功后的趁热打铁之作,由美国飞美逊公司(Filmation Associates)于1985年推出。希瑞的造型源自1941年问世的漫画《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)。 每集中,少不了的开场白如下:“我叫阿多拉,霍曼的亲妹妹。我是水晶城
- Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in t
- Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in t
- When Catra steals the Crystal Crown, Bow and Glimmer decide to get it back, certain that She-Ra will save them if they get into trouble. Adora follows