2In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange family: an unknown and wealthy father, his extravagant wi- Nina和Madeleine是两位退休老人,也是深爱彼此数十载的恋人。在外人眼中,她们只是普通邻居,直到女儿无意中发现了她们的秘密……对于Nina和Madeleine来说,爱情是生活必需品,是野性的,是冲动的。年龄没有扑灭她们炽热的爱情火焰,或许正相反。 本片以老年拉拉这个经常被忽视的群体为着眼点
109Christine在去往寄宿学校的路上遇到了一些不幸。在电话里她和父亲讲述,她目睹了一家商店被打劫,而老板却正在和一个女员工发生关系。随后她被一个车站接她的计程车司机强暴了,而警察在她报案后也趁火打劫的对她猥亵….- In a peripheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing due to economic problems. The lives of Lu
- 离开50年后,著名的巴黎裁缝兼变/装/皇/后回到了波兰的家乡,与女儿重建父女亲情。
- Pierre is a famous writer and explorer. But one drunken night, a terrible fall leaves him in a coma. When he wakes up, barely standing up and agains