- 一家秘密的苏联研究所结合了科学和神秘实验,旨在创造理想的人。 该研究涉及所有员工:特权量子物理学家,克格勃官员,厨房员工边缘人员和政治上激进的测试对象。 研究所的居民发现自己身处深处的生存危机中,被逼向悲惨和暴力的结局。
1A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.- At 38, Thomas is at a crossroads in his life. His parents are nonstop guilt-inducers, his ex-wife is always on his back, and his son is far from ins
1High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of- 十七岁的美丽少女卡捷琳娜(薇拉·阿莲托娃 Vera Alentova 饰)假扮成教授的女儿,在一场宴会上邂逅了名为拉齐克夫(尤里·瓦西里耶夫 Yuri Vasilyev 饰)的摄影师,两人很快就双双坠入了情网之中。然而,当卡捷琳娜的真实身份曝光之后,拉齐克夫残忍的抛弃了她,完全不顾她此时腹中已经怀上
- 为纪念苏联卫国战争30周年,前苏联莫斯科电影制片厂于1970—1972年,拍摄了一部堪称前苏联电影史上耗资最巨、规模最大、场面最为壮观的战争题材影片———《解放》。影片从1943年苏联红军反攻(库尔斯克战役)开始,到强渡涅伯河,解放基辅,最后攻克柏林。分为五集,片长将近8个小时。导演尤里·奥泽洛夫为
- How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war? Fairly easy indeed.