7An epic romantic adventure based on the life of Billy the Kid, from his humble Irish roots and his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the Americ纯真与欲望
19A young man is temporarily home from a Seminary, but eventually falls in love with his father's young new wife.- 年迈的法兰基(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)是一个有名的拳击教练,他的徒弟在拳击场上战绩辉煌。但因为太过于投身与拳击事业,忽略了家人的感受,法兰基与女儿的关系长期冰封,他亦因此陷入了长期的自我封闭和压抑。一天,一个对拳击有强烈兴趣的女子麦琪(希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Sw
- 在这部现场录制的离奇类喜剧剧集中,私自拉客的货车司机伊万利用幽默来应对他走到尽头的婚姻,并化解日常中遇到的种种挑战。
- I saw this film twice on my first trip to Italy (my first European trip, so it already was magical) and loved it, which was high praise, since I'd o
1拉媪(拼塔安 Aom Phiyada Akarasenee 饰)是女爵的女儿,母亲去世后,她被伯母带进了宫中,从此开始了她极富有传奇色彩的一生。尤德(Captain Phutanate Hongmanop 饰)是拉媪的第一任丈夫,然而,这个男人带给拉媪的却只有痛苦和失望。坚强的拉媪果断的选择了离开,- 亚马逊将推出一代球王马拉多纳的传记剧集《马拉多纳:庇佑之梦》(Maradona: Blessed Dream,暂译),近日选出了饰马拉多纳的演员们:Nicolas Goldschmidt(《弄虚作假》)、Nazareno Casero(《布宜诺斯艾利斯1977》)、Juan Palomino(《氪星