28因为诈骗罪,约翰尼(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)面临着为期一年半的牢狱之灾,出狱之后,无处可去的约翰尼被餐馆老板尼克(赫克托·埃里仲杜 Hector Elizondo 饰)收留,成为了一名厨师。餐馆的女侍应生弗兰基(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)吸引了约翰尼的目光,闪亮到底
1Two single parents of young daughters, grow closer as they contribute to each others' projects - Cadence with the wedding and Henry with his high-pr弹弓卫星
3三名精英宇航员前往土星的卫星土卫六执行长达数年、可能存在风险的任务。团队准备进行一项高度危险的引力弹射,这任务要么将他们弹射到土卫六,要么进入深空,一名宇航员要保持对现实的控制变得越来越困难。- 十岁的奥黛丽和她的三个兄弟姐妹发现自己被遗弃在一所老房子里,他们本来打算和父亲一起度过暑假,但他在晚上突然消失了。房子周围只有密林,孩子们几次想找到出路,都无果而终。更多可怕而怪异的事件接连发生,最终四个孩子揭开真相,其实是成人后的他们为了唤醒因自杀未遂而昏迷的妹妹,将四个人的脑电波连接在一起,
- 一个8岁的女孩神秘地消失在卡多湖上,一系列过去的死亡和失踪开始联系在一起,永远改变了一个破碎家庭的历史。
- In a desperate attempt to protect her ten year old daughter, a young widow allows a nightmarish monster to slowly eat her alive.
- Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwe
- Directed by Justin Denton, the pic tells the story of Rick, a poor construction worker, who makes a deal with a dying business mogul to inherit his