- Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Rider
109梦工厂将于今年6月在Netflix上推出全新剧集《驯龙记:飞越边界(Race to the Edge)》。正值WonderCon的最后一天,梦工厂为漫展粉丝们带来福利,大家有幸先睹为快,观看了最新片花:小嗝嗝与没牙仔降落在一个破旧不堪的旧船甲板上,并深入到船内查看情况。然而船内机关重重,有各种陷- Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Rider
- Unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye and come face to face with more dragons than anyone has ever imagined as Hiccup, Toothless and the Dragon Rider
1波比(安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 配音)是精灵城的公主,她有着神奇的魔力和多彩的头发,乐观积极、喜爱唱歌。但是有一天,他们的小伙伴被死对头——“博啃族”抓走了。为了从“博啃族”手中拯救出她最好的朋友们。波比向精灵城中的“怪人”布兰(贾斯汀·汀布莱克 Justin Timberlake前程似锦的女孩
47卡桑德拉(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)曾是医学院里前途无量的高材生,却因为朋友的自杀而选择了退学。白天,卡桑德拉在咖啡店里打零工,而每当夜幕降临,她都会换上一身性感的装扮,出没于城市里各间声色犬马的夜总会之中,她会假扮成醉酒的样子,等待着某个“善良”的男人将她带回自己家中,由此来