- Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday: Extreme” will bring eight stories to the scre
- 改编自著名广播节目中令人难忘的真实故事,由八位导演执导,分八集呈现极端恐怖,演员阵容令人难以置信,将为您带来一部意外的恐惧。
5Sorn, an ethnic Shan sex worker, copes with his bitter reality in Chiang Mai, Thailand by imagining himself in his clients’ lives. He is drawn into- 该剧改编自八个恐怖漫画:女学生坠楼身亡、图书馆闹鬼、学生餐厅供应人肉、学校仓库出现无头鬼、房间有魔鬼出没、复仇心切的恶魔在废弃建筑内现身,还有一间只有死掉学生上课的教室。白天里,学校是学生的地方。入夜后,游戏规则马上改变。准备迎接全新层次的恐惧。
2Four insomniac med school students are lured into a neuroscience experiment that spirals out of control and must find a way out before it's too la尸约
11997年,亚洲金融危机如同暴风雨一般席卷各国,公司倒闭已成寻常,老板富贾逃亡自杀,普通民众的生活愈加困苦。富家女孩布姆(Thunyaphat Pattarateerachaicharoen 饰)父亲所盖的大楼最终烂尾,遭到父亲家暴后,万念俱灰的布姆和伊布(Panisara Rikulsurak- 1997年,亚洲金融危机如同暴风雨一般席卷各国,公司倒闭已成寻常,老板富贾逃亡自杀,普通民众的生活愈加困苦。富家女孩布姆(Thunyaphat Pattarateerachaicharoen 饰)父亲所盖的大楼最终烂尾,遭到父亲家暴后,万念俱灰的布姆和伊布(Panisara Rikulsurakan