- 戒律森严的寄宿学校里,蜜拉品学兼优,相较于其他正值青春期的同侪开始在意服装打扮、对异性产生好奇,她在老师眼里不仅衣着得体、裙长及膝,还是学弟妹的模范榜样。父亲长期离家工作,母亲将心力全投注在她身上,蜜拉背负着所有人的期待,每天恪守着「完美女孩」的框架,直到转学来的神秘天文社男孩闯入生活,情思涌动的她
- Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday: Extreme” will bring eight stories to the scre
- 改编自著名广播节目中令人难忘的真实故事,由八位导演执导,分八集呈现极端恐怖,演员阵容令人难以置信,将为您带来一部意外的恐惧。
- Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but rivalry rises between them when they fall in love with the same girl. Kongpope和Di