1A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a be- A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's smuggled across the border with the promise of a
1鲍勃?维尔登(伊万?麦克格雷格Ewan McGregor 饰)是个婚姻失败的美国记者,绝望中来到中东,试图设法潜入伊拉克进行战地新闻报道以赢回前妻芳心。鲍勃在科威特遇到了以前采访中听说过的私家建筑商林恩·卡萨迪(乔治?克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰),苦苦哀求后者带他过境。林恩曾是美国陆军染血王国
1沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,密集的枪声和巨大的爆炸声撕裂了高档住宅区的宁静。针对西方人的恐怖袭击导致上百人死亡,甚至联邦特工人员也在混乱中丧生。这一事件使原本矛盾重重、暗流涌动的国际局势再次紧张起来。FBI派出探员罗纳德·弗鲁瑞(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)及其小队前往沙特,他们要在5天之内找- A Medieval Knight resurrects to fulfill his vow and bestow a blood-thirst vengeance upon the kindred spirits of those who betrayed him long ago. In
- The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having