- When the clever but socially-awkward Tetê joins a new school, she'll do anything to fit in. But the queen bee among her classmates has other ideas
1十二岁的阿曼达是一名游泳运动员。她非常安静而又内向,着迷于游泳,因为她在水下全然的私密空间中找到了独一无二的安全感。阿曼达没有父母关心,于是把大部分时间都泡在游泳池里,不断训练。也许游泳是她唯一一件真正喜欢做的事,她想要做好,想要成功。普莉希拉是游泳队里的明星,现在却成 为了阿曼达的对手。她们之间的难言之隐2020
31Coming out of he closet is never easy, but the gay son has already come out to his parents. They weren't happy, but they still love him. The son