- 曾以《鬼摇灵》荣登上印尼影史最卖座鬼片的导演乔可安华,动作新作《闪电奇侠刚达拉》不让漫威、DC专美于前,决定将印尼问世半世纪的经典漫画〈刚达拉〉搬上大银幕。刚达拉不仅有闪电侠的外型、雷神索尔的威能、美国队长的领袖特质、以及V怪客的左翼精神,加上媲美叶问的刚猛动作与炫目的视觉效果,既接地气又有全球性。
1Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' best friend and their son, Agus. There a- 哈尼夫帶著妻小和幾個好友,打算回到幼時成長的孤兒院,探望年事已高、身體孱弱的看護班迪先生。當一行人抵達孤兒院後情況卻急轉直下,恐怖駭人的超自然事件接連襲來,本該溫馨的重逢場合一夜之間化為人間煉獄,揭露一段不為人知的黑暗過往?
- Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents’ best friend and their son, Agus. There are