- After the untimely death of his wife, 'Altan', who created a small, challenging but fun world for himself with his son 'Can', is a father who can make
1Neve Kelly is dead. She is stuck in limbo and must find out who killed her. This adaptation of the mystery series Beau Séjour impresses on account of- 冬雪纷飞的安纳托利亚山区,一所与世隔绝的男子寄宿学校座落其中。某日夜里,男孩们在淋浴间过度嬉闹,遭到教官严厉处罚,被迫在零下30度的低温中洗冷水澡。隔天,尤素夫竟发现同房好友开始严重呕吐,陷入昏迷。他赶忙通报师长,却只见大人们不断互踢皮球。随著时间分秒流逝,下山之路的积雪越发深厚,他望著奄奄一息的好
- 《奔放101》第二季已续订,预计明年开播。
- 故事从两个不同寻常的“人类”开始,分别叫做George和Mitchell,他们一个是吸血鬼,一个是狼人,在当地一个不知名的医院里做苦工,他们生活绝望——因为mitchell是吸血鬼,George是狼人。他们决定改过自新,同住在了一起才发现,一个女鬼(Annie)死于神秘的情况并且经常闹鬼。不仅这
10The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called I??k (Bade ???il) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her youthUFO
1Areyoureadytowatchalovestoryfullofadrenaline?Ese,abikerwhowantstobetheregionalchampion,andDeniz,whobelievesthatshe’llbetakenawayfromtheworldbytheUFOso- Neve Kelly is dead. She is stuck in limbo and must find out who killed her. This adaptation of the mystery series Beau Séjour impresses on account o