3在谋杀老妇,服刑四年后,他被释放,却即刻感到难以抗拒的杀戮冲动。谋杀的哥失败后逃至一座与世隔绝的村屋,那里住着年轻女人,她的生病母亲和弱智兄弟。接下来,他以施虐他们为乐,欲挟为人质,兼念及他的烦扰童年,伴着虐待狂妈妈和祖母...- In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authori
1寒老人是俄罗斯民间传说中的人物,类似于俄罗斯版的圣诞老人,还能控制冰雪。善良天真的女主、恶毒的后妈、愚蠢的姐姐,男女主历经种种磨难,最后在严寒老人的帮助下,男女主在一起了。- 一宗谋杀案和一袋丢失的钱让新近丧夫的布兰达和家人陷入了危险,这个母亲不得不在公路逃亡中竭力保护家人。
- First Polish gay short drama. After a few years of their relationship, Eryk leaves Filip and disappears without a trace. Filip is unable to handle the
1A father and his two teenage sons travel to a small mountain cabin for a male bonding adventure. When a lost tourist arrives at the cabin, their male-