5In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authoriti丧湿
25A group of Warsaw high school graduates, sick and tired of lockdowns and online schooling, decide to head to the seaside for a party to remember.- 传奇影业新片改编自一篇Vice刊登的故事。故事开头是吉米鸡毛在节目上问观众:谁想看真的鬼?然后他介绍了Ernest——一个幽灵,被一个叫弗兰克人在自己家中发现,弗兰克拍了很多关于这个幽灵的视频发到社交网络,并给它起名Ernest,因为觉得它长得有点像演员Ernest Borgnine。这个无害的幽灵
1杨·南曼奇在捷克新浪潮的地位,类似于雷奈在法国新浪潮一样。这是他的第一部剧情长片,描绘两个犹太男孩在被送往死亡集中营的途中,从火车上逃脱,被迫在乡野展开挣扎,艰难地求生存的故事,看似具备写实的基础,却被混合了幻想的影像,以及自由跳跃的叙事所重组。- “Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Ca
- 在谋杀老妇,服刑四年后,他被释放,却即刻感到难以抗拒的杀戮冲动。谋杀的哥失败后逃至一座与世隔绝的村屋,那里住着年轻女人,她的生病母亲和弱智兄弟。接下来,他以施虐他们为乐,欲挟为人质,兼念及他的烦扰童年,伴着虐待狂妈妈和祖母...
- “Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Ca