1'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical p灭灯军团
34一名漂泊的退役士兵在一名刚刚获释的前囚犯的帮助下变成了地下战士,让他们与腐败的警察和雇佣的杀手对抗,后者向他们和他们关心的所有人开枪。- 一架B-17飞行堡垒轰炸机的指挥官在1943年西西里岛上空执行任务时中丧生,一位年轻的飞行军官继任B-17,成为新的飞行指挥官。在接获上级的一次轰炸任务中他带领弟兄冲锋陷阵,此战让他明了每次任务都将会牺牲许多弟兄宝贵的生命。然而接下来的任务是一次无可比拟惊险的空中行动,更是考验着整连弟兄默契与对他的
1West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten c- Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years.
1Judy是庞克摇滚乐团DUH的贝斯手,她梦想着成为全职的音乐家。为了替乐团的首次巡回演出找到适合的厢型车,她必须和吃人大叔成为盟友。吃人大叔是一位有魅力、爱吃人的乡巴佬。除了艰困的摇滚乐人生之外,Judy还要想办法处理那些巡回演出后被吃一半的尸体。- Oscar-winning filmmaker Eva Orner focuses on devastating fires in Australia and the lack of political will to address climate change.
- 在本续集中,蝎子王将跟随努比亚国王的妹妹塔拉一同前往寻找一个叫灵魂之书的传奇遗物...
- Oscar-winning filmmaker Eva Orner focuses on devastating fires in Australia and the lack of political will to address climate change.