- In 1975, a filmmaker agrees to collaborate on a film with a gangster who wishes to become a famous actor.
- The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to recl
- 开场分别介绍Kuttan,以及他的堂兄妹Divya和Aju,他们三人在童年时期就建立了友好关系,离开学校后各奔东西。在堂妹Divya嫁给Das后,重新团聚在班加罗尔。故事围绕他们在班加罗尔的生活而展开…
1The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to re