搜索 -Rhiannon Rafferty
共找到“0”个结果亚马逊将投拍原创惊悚剧《魔鬼时刻》(The Devil’s Hour,暂译)。该剧由汤姆·莫兰(《馈》)撰写剧本,讲述了一个叫露西·钱伯斯的女人每天会在凌晨3:33准时醒来,这个时间刚好在所谓的魔鬼时刻凌晨3:00-4:00之间。露西·钱伯斯有一个8岁大的儿子,他性格孤僻,没有感知感情的能力。露西·
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adul
Lorna Brady is a woman from the small, fictional Irish town of Kilkinure who wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has
亚马逊将投拍原创惊悚剧《魔鬼时刻》(The Devil’s Hour,暂译)。该剧由汤姆·莫兰(《馈》)撰写剧本,讲述了一个叫露西·钱伯斯的女人每天会在凌晨3:33准时醒来,这个时间刚好在所谓的魔鬼时刻凌晨3:00-4:00之间。露西·钱伯斯有一个8岁大的儿子,他性格孤僻,没有感知感情的能力。露
纪念摄影师布罗克·布伦纳哈塞特以其在维多利亚时代的爱尔兰为已故者拍摄照片的技巧而闻名。 当一系列谋杀威胁玷污布洛克的声誉时,一名侦探把他拖进了对都柏林犯罪集团的调查。