19th Ward是美國紐奧良市極具傳奇色彩的街區,獨特的文化氛圍和親密的鄰里關係,孕育著一代代紐奧良文化的傳承者,有著音樂天賦的高中生Aurora便是其中一位。但她也和其他很多生活在以黑人為主的社區的孩子們一樣,承受著歷史和制度對黑人社區的不公所帶來的困擾甚至是威脅,而Katrina颶風更是讓9- Follows a troubled couple and their daughter who go on vacation to an isolated house in the Louisiana bayou to reconnect as a family. But when unexp
1Follows a troubled couple and their daughter who go on vacation to an isolated house in the Louisiana bayou to reconnect as a family. But when unexp- 《至亲血统》讲述佛罗里达群岛一个名门望族的故事。这个家族的四个儿女都已长大成人,其中的长子却被视为害群之马。随着长子的回归,家族的秘密和伤疤将逐渐被揭开。