- 30年前,蒂蒂和迪尔万出现在一个小镇,接管了一座破旧的宅邸,并将其改造成一个古色古香、田园诗般的家,供无家可归者和无处可去的人使用。它在小社区和附近城镇中引起了轰动,尤其是迪尔万从未要求任何付款,并且他采取了巨大的努力和措施为居民提供最好的护理和设施。殊不知,收容所只是另一桩荒唐而又黑暗险恶的生意的
2The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It fol暗影游戏
1When a private eye takes a case to find a missing university student, he must explore the deep dark depths of his own mind to uncover the truth around