1It's time for change, the world is not the same as before. Yusuf has only one enemy, time!又见莱拉
1Umut, a young man who is mute but not deaf, finds out that his mother has been meeting with a stranger.- It's time for change, the world is not the same as before. Yusuf has only one enemy, time!
- Umut, a young man who is mute but not deaf, finds out that his mother has been meeting with a stranger.
- Ceylin 和Ilgaz是两个对维护正义抱有相同热情,但选择的途径和方法却完全相反的年轻人。Ilgaz是守规矩、诚实且严格的检察官,而Ceylin则完全相反,她是一个没有边界和规则,不按常理出牌的律师。他们的立场和处事差异,使得每次他们在工作上有所交集时,总会发生意见冲突。 这天,拾荒人照常